In the [[sc|Title}}, read, The Seventh Edition.
Page. l92. l. 3. in the Notes for qris read quis
2/4. l. 11. do. for simulant read simulans
Page. 18. l. 15. for Thf read The
30. l. 22. for magestick read majestick
37. l. —
43. l. 15.
Do. l. 18.
48. l. 1.
49. l. 8.
52. l. 4.
54. l. 17.
55. l. 14.
69. l. 2.
222. l. 1.
234. l. 1.
239. l. 13.
241. l. 14.
259. l. 7.
313. l. 1.
381. l. 26.
R. omitted in the Running Title
n the Notes, for nonnulli read nonnuUis
n the Notes for conjuntfa read conjuntlas
n the Notes, for cis read eis
n the Notes, for Ergamentes read Ergamenes
n the Notes, for cmmorati read commovali
n the Notes, for vedere read videre
n the Notes, for Deos read Deus
n the Notes, for EJfentia read Effmliz
n the Text, for deftinSi read dijlin£i
n the Notes, for apellati read appellati
n the Notes, for fmt rtadfunt
n the Notes, for fanl read fans
n the Notes, tor fi read fit
n the Notes, for Huccine read Hunccine
n the Text, for ojlundis read qftendis