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Page:Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times Vol 3.djvu/88

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80 MIS C ELL AXE OU S Ecclefiaftical Inftruclors; the unnatural Union of Religion and Philosophy was compleated, and the monflrous Product of this Match appear'd foon in the World. The odd exterior Shapes of Deitys, Temples, and holy Utenfils, which by the * Egyptian Seels had been formerly fet in battle againft each other, were now rae- tamorphos'd into philosophical Forms and Phan- toms; and, like Flags and Banners, difplay'd in hoftile manner, and borne offenfively, by one Party againft another. In former times thofe barbarous Nations above mention'd were the fole Warriors in thefe religious Caufes *, but now the whole World became engag'd : when inflead of Storks and Crocodiles, other En- figns were erected; when Jophijlical Chimeras, crabbed Notions, bombajltck Phrafes, Solecijms, Ab- furditys and a thoufand Monflers of a Jcholajlick Brood, were fet on foot, and made the Sub- ject, of vulgar Animofity and Difpute. Here firfl began that Spirit of Bigotry which broke out in a more raging manner than had been ever known before, and was lefs capable of Temper or Moderation than any Species, Form, or Mixture of Religion in the antient World. Myjlerys, which were here-

  • Supra, pag. 42, 46, 57,60. And VOL. I. pag. 350. in the

Notes. tofore