Let a suite of rooms, at a moderate rent, be the begining; under the care of a matron, and a board of managers; carefully selected, managers of piety, philanthropy and business capacity. Such an undertaking need riot cost over $600 or $800 a year.
I know an undertaking, carried on some 20 years, which has cost, on an average, about $800 a year; and cared for a ½ dozen aged and infirm women, annually. And now, it has a building fund of $3,000, and is looking forward to an establishment. Here in Washington, on the outskirts of the city a small Home could easily be secured for the support of a dozen women or orphans; and the building could not cost over $3,000 or $4,000.
In order to carry out these ends, I think each organized Christian body in the District should endeavor to establish—
(1) Orphanages for children.
(2) Homes for helpless Christian widows—members of the churches.
(3) Hospitals for the sick.
(4) Home for friendless girls, out of work, or cast upon the city.
The Methodist Churches of this city might, unitedly, undertake one or two of such efforts. So might the Baptist. Our'Congregational and Presbyterian brethren, might, unitedly, do the same. The effort might be plain and simple, at the beginning: a small house might, at first, be hired, or be built; afterward enlarged, and so the foundation be laid for a future movement of large proportions. The people should be called upon to aid in the effort by contributions; and the sick and dying exhorted to give legacies for the endowment of the same. And thus, and in other divers ways, we could begin, as other Christian people have done in all Christian ages, to carry on the divine command of the Lord Jesus, to give meat to the hungry and drink to the thirsty; to take in the stranger; to clothe the naked; to visit the sick; to call upon the prisoner.
"Blessed be the man that provideth for the sick and the needy; the Lord shall deliver him in the time of trouble."