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Page:Charles Catton, Animals (1788).pdf/49

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This animal claſſes in the rear of the Monkey tribe, and ſerves as one, to connect the gradation from that ſpecies to the complete quadruped, and belongs particularly to the claſs called Maki. The hands are uſed the ſame in this ſpecies as in the complete Monkey, ſerving for every purpoſe of feeding, climbing, and playing.

The noſe of the Maucauco is long and ſlender, black on the tip; the eyes very large and fine, ſurrounded with a circle of black hair; the ears large and upright; the arms, feet, and toes, or claws, like the Monkey’s; the tail beautifully marked with alternate black and white rings, and is conſiderably longer than the body, which is ſlender, of a pale brown, or aſh colour, ſomewhat darker along the ſpine; neck and belly white. The hair is beautifully fine and ſoft, and ſtands erect, nearly as the pile of velvet.

The Maucauco is a native of Madagaſcar, and the neighbouring iſles; is very good-natured and frolickſome; poſſeſſing all the motion and alacrity of the Monkey, without its malice or miſchief, and is very cleanly; has a weak cry, is eaſily tamed; in a wild ſtate go in troops of thirty or forty.