Is an animal of the Weaſel tribe. There are ſeveral varieties of the Coti; the one here repreſented is the ſame as Mr. Buffon names, Le Coati noiratre.
The Brown Coti has a longiſh head, the ſnout conſiderably elongated, but not ſo much as in one of this ſpecies of animals. The ears are ſhort, tip of the noſe very flexible, and of a purple colour; a light ſtripe from the noſe to the back of the forehead; cheeks almoſt white, with a patch of white above the eyes; feet ſhort and black; general colour brown, mixed with nearly black hairs; the fur coarſe and long; length of the body about three feet from the noſe to the inſertion of the tail, which is about two feet ſix inches more; the neck and body long.
The Cotis are natives of South America, particularly Brazil and Guiana; feed on fruits, eggs, and poultry. The one from which this drawing was made, was very greedy. Run up trees, or any perpendicular place, very nimbly; eat like a dog, holding the food between the fore paws; but drink by ſuction like a pig; are eaſily made tame, and are much inclined to ſleep in the day-time,