"Whatever is thy religion, associate with men who think differently from thee. If thou canst mix with them freely and are not angered at hearing them, thou hast attained peace and art a master of creation."
"Temperance is a tree which has contentment for its root and peace for its fruit."
"There is no safer guardian than Justice, no stronger sword than Right, no better ruler than Reason, no surer ally than Truth."
"When a man dies, his neighbors ask what property has he left behind him, but angels ask what good deeds has he sent on before him."
"If a man strike thee and in striking drop his staff, pick it up and hand it to him again. Let us be like trees which yield their fruit to those who throw stones at them."
Like so many strange geniuses, Mahomet was an epileptic. After a fit, he had visions, and after an apparition, he was a prey to melancholy. "An angel appears to me in human form; he speaks to me. Often, I hear, as it were, the sound of cats, of rabbits, of bells, then I suffer much." From Le Journal des Savants, October, 1863, we gain the information that after prophesying, he fell into a state of despondency. "Three suras of the Koran," he said to Abou-Bekr, "have been enough to whiten my hair." Said the writer, Morkos, "On Mahomet, the most contradictory verdicts may be pronounced, for it is impossible to deny his great excellence, while, at the same time there is no disguising the fact that we find