"from Moseilma, the prophet of Allah, to Mahomet the prophet of Allah! Come now, and let us make a partition of the world, and let half be thine and half be mine."
To which Mahomet, engrossed in the plans for an invasion of Syria, made reply, quite characteristically:
"From Mahomet, the prophet of Ged, to Moseilma the Liar! The earth is the Lord's, and he giveth it as an inheritance to such of his servants as find favor in his sight. Happy shall those be who live in his fear."
So, in the eleventh year of his fight, a great army was fitted out for the invasion of Syria and the command given to Osama, a lad of twenty years of age, the son of Zeid, Mahomet's first convert. One day only the army marched when a halt was made on account of Mahomet's serious sickness. In a few hours the prophet was dead, his religion without a recognized exponent, his nation without a chief. Under such circumstances, most human institutions would have gone to pieces in short order, the gathered army resolving itself into warring factions. But it was not so in the case of Islam. For a short time there threatened to be ruptures but young Osama with Omar, the friend of Mahomet, declared for Abu Beker, the father of Ayesha who assumed the title of