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Page:Charles O'Malley - the Irish Dragoon (IA charlesomalley00leveiala).pdf/17

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Chap. page

LXXVIII. The Doctor’S Tale 323
LXXIX. The Skirmish 331
LXX. The Lines of Ciudad Rodrigo 336
LXXI. The Doctor 341
LXXII. The Coa 344
LXXIII. The Night March 349
LXXIV. The Journey 353
LXXV. The Ghost 358
LXXVI Lisbon 363
LXXVII A Pleasant Predicament 369
LXVIII. The Dinner 372
LXIX. The Letter 375
LXXX. The Villa 380
LXXXI. The Visit 386
LXXXII. The Confession 389
LXXXIII. My Charger 394
LXXXIV. Maurice 397
LXXXV. The Masquerade 421
LXXXVI. The Lines 429
LXXXVII. The Retreat of the French 412
LXXXVIII. Patrick’S Day in the Peninsula 415
LXXXIX. Fuentes D’Onoro 448
XC. The Battle of Fuentes D’Onoro 431
XCI. A Rencontre 438
XCII. Almeida 442
XCIII. A Night on the Azava 444
XCIV. Mike’s Mistake 454
XCV. Monsoon In Trouble 459
XCVI. The Confidence 467
XCVII. The Cantonment 471
XCVIII. Mickey Free’s Adventure 474
XCIX. The San Petro 479
C. The Count’S Letter 485
CI. The Trenches 489
CII. The Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo 493
CIII. An Unexpected Check 495
CIV. The Despatch 500
CV. The Leave 503
CVI. London 509
CVII. The Bell at Bristol 513
CVIII. Ireland 520