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Page:Charles O'Malley - the Irish Dragoon (IA charlesomalley00leveiala).pdf/19

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List of Illustrations

By Arthur Rackham

“Bad luck to ye,” cried he, apostrophising the off horse
I seized the opportunity of prosecuting my acquaintance
with Miss Dashwood
I levelled my heavy hunting-whip at his head 53
“Miss Macan” 97
The “Dals” 135
With one spring he rose; and cleared it at a bound 200
I peeped through the dense leaves 206
I dressed his wound, and bound up his shattered arm 251
Mickey Free’s song 275
Drawing my pistol, I wheeled suddenly in my saddle, and
fired straight at him
“Safe, by Jupiter! and splendidly done too” 396
“Drink with me to the two greatest irishmen that
ever lived—’St. Patrick and Lord Wellington’”
“Ha, ha, ha! we have him now!” sang their wild voices 497
I recognised my fair cousin baby, who, with a younger
brother, was taking an evening walk
“Let the life guards charge them,” said the Duke;. . .and
I myself brought the order to Lord Uxbridge
I pressed her hand once more to my lips 620
