RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
42. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Turned slightly to the right, looking at the spectator. Short grey hair, moustaches, and pointed beard. Large lace ru(T, black doublet. Bust. Life-size.
Panel, 22 in. by 17 1/2 in. From the Collection of Herr Englaender, Vienna. M. Maurice Kann, Paris. M. Tabourier, 1898, Paris.
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
43. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator, lie has short, dark hair, a pointed beard, and moustaches, and is dressed in a black velvet doublet with a large while rulT. 11islefthand rests on his hip, his right, hanging by his side, holds his gloves. Three quarters length figure. Life-size.
Panel, 401 2in. by 28 1,2 in. From the Collection of Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.