Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/212

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(About 1626-16)

54. — Ahasuerus and Esther

In a wide marble hall with a tesselated floor, the king, magnificently dressed in a yellow silk robe, purple mantle and a turban with a feather, has risen vehemently from the table, at which he was taking his meal in company of Esther and Haitian, causing a superb peacock-pasty to slip from the table by the violence of his movement, lie is menacing with his outstretched list Haman. who is placed <m the left and cowering under the threat, while Esther, seated on the right, is apparently accusing him of his treachery. Two attendants, a boy and a girl, an old man with a white beard and two young negroes are seen on the left. Some soldiers in armour, carrying halberds, guard the entrance to the hall on the right.

Signed : J. Steen. Canvas, 12 in. by6034in.

From the Collection of Colonel Ilankcy. Beaulieu. Hastings.
