Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/272

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REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), R. R. A.


96. — Venus and Cupid

Seated in a landscape on a white drapery spread out on the ground, Venus, naked, holds up the bow of the naked Cupid on her lap. who struggles to get it back. Small whole-length figures.

Panel, 8 1/4 in. by 12 in. Presented by the Earl of Egremont to Sir Charles Burrell in 182.S.

ROMNEY (George)

(170j- 1802)

97. — Portrait of Mrs. Sarah Trimmer

Daughter of Joshua Kirby (a painter and writer) was born at Ipswich in 1741. She married Mr. Jas, Trimmer, was a popular authoress, and died in 1810. She was a friend of Dr. Johnson.

She is represented seated to the right, nearly full-face, looking at the spectator. She wears a large white linen cape, a grey flowered silk dress, and a black gauze scarf over her shoulders. Her hands are crossed in her lap. Half-length figure. Life-size.

Canvas, 21 2in.by241,2in.
