Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/378

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PIOMBO (Sebastiano del)

(About 1486-1047)

67. — Portrait of Pope Clement VII

Seated in a red velvet arm-chair, in profile to the right. Red cap and cape, white alb. His right hand is raised in benediction, his left holds a handkerchief. Tasselated floor. Greenish-brown curtain in background. Whole-length. Nearly life-size.

Panel, 56 in. by 3: 3/4 in. Mentioned in Dr. Waa^en's « Art Treasures*, vol. Ill , p. 3o3 . From the Collection of the Duke of Hamilton, Hamilton Palace, 1882.

SOLARIO (Andrea)

(1465-after 1515)

68. — The Virgin with the Infant Christ and two Angels.

The Virgin, dressed in a red robe and a green mantle, with her hands folded, kneels in adoration before the Infant Christ lving naked on the ground in front of her. On the left of the Virgin, an angel dressed in a violet mantle playing the violon ; on the right. another angel dressed in red, playing the lute. Landscape background.

Panel,4212in. by2712in. From the Collection of George Perkins. Fsq., London.

Dr. J . P . Richter. London.
