Page:Charles von Hügel (1903 memoir).djvu/25

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1849 Sent from Florence to Naples on a secret mission to the Grand Duke of Tuscany (June 10); and (on the conclusion of the convention of the four catholic powers) as representative of the Empire to Pope Pius IX, and King Ferdinand at Gaeta.
" (August.) Commissioned by Field-Marshal Radetzky to convey the news of the conclusion of peace with Piedmont to the ex-Emperor Ferdinand at Inspruck.
" (Aug. 25.) Gazetted Honorary Major.
" (Sept. 7.) Named Austrian Chargé d'Affaires at Florence, after the command of the army of occupation had been taken over by Prince Friedrich Liechtenstein.
" (Dec. 3.) Charles' elder brother, Clemens Wenzislaus, dies at Hardenberg in Hanover, aged fifty-seven.
1850 (Dec. 9.) Appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Grand Ducal Court of Tuscany.
1851 (June 28.) Is married to Miss Farquharson at Florence.
1852 (May 5.) First child born, named Friedrich, after his godfather Prince Liechtenstein.
1853 (Sept. —.) Charles' youngest sister 'Fanny' (Kunigunde Franziska, Countess Anton von Hardenberg) dies at Florence.
1854 (Sept. 29.) Second child born, named Anatole Andreas, after his godfathers Prince Demidoff and Prince Corsini, the latter being the actual sponsor as the former was a member of the Greek Church.
1866 (April 30.) Created a Privy Councillor.
1867 (August 31.) Retires finally from the army.
1858 (Nov. 3.) Third child born, named Pauline, after Pauline wife of Prince Richard Metternich. (Died March 29, 1901, aged forty-three.)
1859 (April 27.) On the outbreak of the revolution, leaves Florence with the Grand Duke.
" Lives in Vienna.
1860 (Sept. 20.) Appointed Austrian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary[1] at the Belgian Court.
1867 (—— ——.) Retires into private life.
" (—— ——.) Goes to England, where, in failing health, he lives at Torquay, till May 1870.
1870 (May 31.) Leaves England for Austria.
" (June 2.) Dies at Brussels, on his way to Vienna, in the seventy-sixth year of his age.