Page:Charming young Nancy.pdf/3

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Therefore, my dear jewel,
do not prove so cruel;
Consent my dear Nancy,
and come be my ain,
The whole of her face,
is, with blooming grace,
Array’d like the gowans
that grows in the glen.

For her yellow locks shining,
and beauty combining,
My charming young Nancy,
if ye were my ain!
She's well shaped and slender,
true hearted and tender:
My charming young Nancy
if ye were my ain!

For I’ll daut her with kisses;
and lovely embraces;
I’ll sing her sweet songs
with the strength of my brain;
Believe me, my deary,
I’ll still hold thee cheary,
My charming young Nancy
if ye were my ain.

For I’ll search all the nation

for a habitation,