give the impression that this is what they’re doing. This, we suggest, is very close to at least one way that Frankfurt talks about bullshit. We draw a distinction between two sorts of bullshit, which we call ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ bullshit, where the former requires an active attempt to deceive the reader or listener as to the nature of the enterprise, and the latter only requires a lack of concern for truth. We argue that at minimum, the outputs of LLMs like ChatGPT are soft bullshit: bullshit–that is, speech or text produced without concern for its truth–that is produced without any intent to mislead the audience about the utterer’s attitude towards truth. We also suggest, more controversially, that ChatGPT may indeed produce hard bullshit: if we view it as having intentions (for example, in virtue of how it is designed), then the fact that it is designed to give the impression of concern for truth qualifies it as attempting to mislead the audience about its aims, goals, or agenda. So, with the caveat that the particular kind of bullshit ChatGPT outputs is dependent on particular views of mind or meaning, we conclude that it is appropriate to talk about ChatGPT-generated text as bullshit, and flag up why it matters that – rather than thinking of its untrue claims as lies or hallucinations – we call bullshit on ChatGPT.
What is ChatGPT?
Large language models are becoming increasingly good at carrying on convincing conversations. The most prominent large language model is OpenAI’s ChatGPT, so it’s the one we will focus on; however, what we say carries over to other neural network-based AI chatbots, including Google’s Bard chatbot, AnthropicAI’s Claude (, and Meta’s LLaMa. Despite being merely complicated bits of software, these models are surprisingly human-like when discussing a wide variety of topics. Test it yourself: anyone can go to the OpenAI web interface and ask for a ream of text; typically, it produces text which is indistinguishable from that of your average English speaker or writer. The variety, length, and similarity to human-generated text that GPT-4 is capable of has convinced many commentators to think that this chatbot has finally cracked it: that this is real (as opposed to merely nominal) artificial intelligence, one step closer to a human-like mind housed in a silicon brain.
However, large language models, and other AI models like ChatGPT, are doing considerably less than what human brains do, and it is not clear whether they do what they do in the same way we do. The most obvious difference between an LLM and a human mind involves the goals of the system. Humans have a variety of goals and behaviours, most of which are extra-linguistic: we have basic physical desires, for things like food and sustenance; we have social goals and relationships; we have projects; and we create physical objects. Large language models simply aim to replicate human speech or writing. This means that their primary goal, insofar as they have one, is to produce human-like text. They do so by estimating the likelihood that a particular word will appear next, given the text that has come before.
The machine does this by constructing a massive statistical model, one which is based on large amounts of text, mostly taken from the internet. This is done with relatively little input from human researchers or the designers of the system; rather, the model is designed by constructing a large number of nodes, which act as probability functions for a word to appear in a text given its context and the text that has come before it. Rather than putting in these probability functions by hand, researchers feed the system large amounts of text and train it by having it make next-word predictions about this training data. They then give it positive or negative feedback depending on whether it predicts correctly. Given enough text, the machine can construct a statistical model giving the likelihood of the next word in a block of text all by itself.
This model associates with each word a vector which locates it in a high-dimensional abstract space, near other words that occur in similar contexts and far from those which don’t. When producing text, it looks at the previous string of words and constructs a different vector, locating the word’s surroundings – its context – near those that occur in the context of similar words. We can think of these heuristically as representing the meaning of the word and the content of its context. But because these spaces are constructed using machine learning by repeated statistical analysis of large amounts of text, we can’t know what sorts of similarity are represented by the dimensions of this high-dimensional vector space. Hence we do not know how similar they are to what we think of as meaning or context. The model then takes these two vectors and produces a set of likelihoods for the next word; it selects and places one of the more likely ones—though not always the most likely. Allowing the model to choose randomly amongst the more likely words produces more creative and human-like text; the parameter which controls this is called the ‘temperature’ of the model and increasing the model’s temperature makes it both seem more creative and more likely to produce falsehoods. The system then repeats the process until it has a recognizable, complete-looking response to whatever prompt it has been given.
Given this process, it’s not surprising that LLMs have a problem with the truth. Their goal is to provide a normal-seeming response to a prompt, not to convey information that is helpful to their interlocutor. Examples of this are already numerous, for instance, a lawyer recently prepared his brief using ChatGPT and discovered to his chagrin that most of the cited cases were not real (Weiser, 2023);