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whether this function gives rise to, or is best thought of, as an intention. In the next Sect. (3.2.3), we will argue that ChatGPT has no similar function or intention which would justify calling it a confabulator, liar, or hallucinator.

How do we know that ChatGPT functions as a hard bullshitter? Programs like ChatGPT are designed to do a task, and this task is remarkably like what Frankfurt thinks the bullshitter intends, namely to deceive the reader about the nature of the enterprise – in this case, to deceive the reader into thinking that they’re reading something produced by a being with intentions and beliefs.

ChatGPT’s text production algorithm was developed and honed in a process quite similar to artificial selection. Functions and selection processes have the same sort of directedness that human intentions do; naturalistic philosophers of mind have long connected them to the intentionality of human and animal mental states. If ChatGPT is understood as having intentions or intention-like states in this way, its intention is to present itself in a certain way (as a conversational agent or interlocutor) rather than to represent and convey facts. In other words, it has the intentions we associate with hard bullshitting.

One way we can think of ChatGPT as having intentions is by adopting Dennett’s intentional stance towards it. Dennett (1987: 17) describes the intentional stance as a way of predicting the behaviour of systems whose purpose we don’t already know.

“To adopt the intentional stance […] is to decide – tentatively, of course – to attempt to characterize, predict, and explain […] behavior by using intentional idioms, such as ‘believes’ and ‘wants,’ a practice that assumes or presupposes the rationality” of the target system (Dennett, 1983).

Dennett suggests that if we know why a system was designed, we can make predictions on the basis of its design (1987). While we do know that ChatGPT was designed to chat, its exact algorithm and the way it produces its responses has been developed by machine learning, so we do not know its precise details of how it works and what it does. Under this ignorance it is tempting to bring in intentional descriptions to help us understand and predict what ChatGPT is doing.

When we adopt the intentional stance, we will be making bad predictions if we attribute any desire to convey truth to ChatGPT. Similarly, attributing “hallucinations” to ChatGPT will lead us to predict as if it has perceived things that aren’t there, when what it is doing is much more akin to making something up because it sounds about right. The former intentional attribution will lead us to try to correct its beliefs, and fix its inputs --- a strategy which has had limited if any success. On the other hand, if we attribute to ChatGPT the intentions of a hard bullshitter, we will be better able to diagnose the situations in which it will make mistakes and convey falsehoods. If ChatGPT is trying to do anything, it is trying to portray itself as a person.

Since this reason for thinking ChatGPT is a hard bullshitter involves committing to one or more controversial views on mind and meaning, it is more tendentious than simply thinking of it as a bullshit machine; but regardless of whether or not the program has intentions, there clearly is an attempt to deceive the hearer or reader about the nature of the enterprise somewhere along the line, and in our view that justifies calling the output hard bullshit.

So, though it’s worth making the caveat, it doesn’t seem to us that it significantly affects how we should think of and talk about ChatGPT and bullshit: the person using it to turn out some paper or talk isn’t concerned either with conveying or covering up the truth (since both of those require attention to what the truth actually is), and neither is the system itself. Minimally, it churns out soft bullshit, and, given certain controversial assumptions about the nature of intentional ascription, it produces hard bullshit; the specific texture of the bullshit is not, for our purposes, important: either way, ChatGPT is a bullshitter.

Bullshit? hallucinations? confabulations? The need for new terminology

We have argued that we should use the terminology of bullshit, rather than “hallucinations” to describe the utterances produced by ChatGPT. The suggestion that “hallucination” terminology is inappropriate has also been noted by Edwards (2023), who favours the term “confabulation” instead. Why is our proposal better than this or other alternatives?

We object to the term hallucination because it carries certain misleading implications. When someone hallucinates they have a non-standard perceptual experience, but do not actually perceive some feature of the world (Macpherson, 2013), where “perceive” is understood as a success term, such that they do not actually perceive the object or property. This term is inappropriate for LLMs for a variety of reasons. First, as Edwards (2023) points out, the term hallucination anthropomorphises the LLMs. Edwards also notes that attributing resulting problems to “hallucinations” of the models may allow creators to “blame the AI model for faulty outputs instead of taking responsibility for the outputs themselves”, and we may be wary of such abdications of responsibility. LLMs do not perceive, so they surely do not “mis-perceive”. Second, what occurs in the case of an LLM delivering false utterances is not an unusual or deviant form of the process it usually goes through (as some claim is the case in hallucinations, e.g., disjunctivists about