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Ord. No. 26 of 2003

(A) the facility, the plant or plants comprising, or comprising part of, the facility during a particular year; and
(B) those chemicals dealt with at the facility during that particular year.

(2) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply if the facility was, in the year before the year in which it is notified, only producing hydrocarbons or explosives.

[cf. Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994, s. 28(6) & (7), Commonwealth of Australia]

12. Reports to be submitted by permit holders

(1) This section applies to a facility in respect of which there is or was a permit to operate the facility during a particular year.

(2) The operator of a facility to which this section applies shall—

(a) give to the Director, at such intervals as are prescribed such particulars as are required by the Director, in relation to—
(i) the location, ownership and operation of the facility during the particular year;
(ii) the plant or plants comprising, or comprising part of, the facility during the particular year;
(iii) those chemicals dealt with at that facility during the particular year;
(iv) the purposes to which those chemicals are put; and
(v) such other matters relevant to a declaration required to be given to the Organization under the Convention as are prescribed;
(b) keep for not less than 3 years after the particular year to which they relate such records in relation to the facility, plants, and those chemicals, referred to in paragraph (a), as are required by the Director; and
(c) prepare and give to the Director from such records—
(i) such periodic reports, and such special reports, relating to the facility, plants, and those chemicals, referred to in paragraph (a), as are required by the Director; and
(ii) in such circumstances and within such periods as are prescribed.

[cf. Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994, s. 30(1)(a) & (2), Commonwealth of Australia]