Page:Chesterton - The Club of Queer Trades.djvu/280

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The Club of Queer Trades

you with our own ears crying because you could not get out."

"Eavesdroppers often hear rather misleading things," replied the captive, grimly. "I suppose I did break down a bit and lose my temper and talk to myself. But I have some sense of honor for all that."

"Some sense of honor?" repeated Rupert, and the last light of intelligence died out of his face, leaving it the face of an idiot with rolling eyes.

He moved vaguely towards the door, and I followed. But I turned yet once more in the toils of my conscience and curiosity. "Can we do nothing for you, madam?" I said, forlornly.

"Why," said the lady, "if you are particularly anxious to do me a little favor you might untie the gentlemen up-stairs."

Rupert plunged heavily up the kitchen staircase, shaking it with his vague violence. With mouth open to speak he stumbled to the door of the sitting-room and scene of battle.

"Theoretically speaking, that is no doubt