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tell me," she said, "that these cards are in those boxes up there?"

"Yes, madam," said Uncle Rob, looking bewildered.

The woman began to get excited. She held up the sheet in both hands and fairly shoved it into Uncle Rob's face. "You tell me that a card the size of that, is in one of those little boxes—"

"Yes, madam,—" and then suddenly Uncle Rob saw the point. "Oh, I beg your pardon!" he said, "You have there just the sample sheet, you know. This is the size of the card," and he drew his pencil around the outline of one of the cards on the sheet.

"It is? Well, why didn't you say so?"

Uncle Rob didn't reply, but spread out the sheets on the show-case.

"How much are these?" asked the woman.

"Fifteen cents a package," said Uncle Rob. "The price is right here at the top of all of them," and he put his pencil on the figures.

"How many in a package?"

"Ten," and his pencil followed to the figures.

The woman pushed the sheet aside and picked up another. "How much are these?"