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Dad was still at the door talking to her, when Dan Burns drove up to the curb and called something to Dad, and Dad turned and called down the store:—"Robert, get Mr. Burns—there—those right in front of you, in that case,—hurry, his horses won't stand,—why, right there in that case, can't you see?—Why, it's right under your eyes—hurry—"

"But what—?" Uncle Rob had the case open and was groping wildly among fifty different things from fish-hooks to ink erasers; and Dad kept on calling, and never let up for a second:—

"Hurry, Robert, those horses won't stand, I told you! Why, what's the matter, it's right under your hands!" and Dad came down the store, talking all the way. "Can't you find it when it's right square in front of you? Number sixteen! Oh, never mind, I'll get it myself," and he came 'round behind the counter and grabbed a box of rubber bands and rushed out of the store with it.

Uncle Rob stood and looked after him. "He got it, didn't he?" he asked, weakly, and just then Dad came back to the door where the young woman was still standing; and she said something