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"'Won't guarantee it to stand up one week,' said the manager. 'We'll fix it for you, but you can't tell a thing about a machine as old as this, when it once begins to go.'

"That didn't sound promising, and I began to see my trip acting like an engine when the wheels don't catch the rails. I felt my chin getting tight, and I went and looked out of the window at the fountain.

"Father stayed and chatted with the manager for a while, and then he came over to where I was and asked if I was ready to go.

"'Yes,' I said.

"'Where's your smile?' asked Father.

"'I swallowed it,' I said. 'It's right there,' and I put my hand on my throat. 'I can feel it! I never knew it was such an awfully big one!'

"Father laughed. 'When children get things stuck in their throats, we hold 'em up by the heels until it drops out.'

"Even that didn't bring it. Not because I was cross; but because I was afraid that if I let go of the corners of my mouth, they would go down, instead of up.

"'Well,' said Father, 'it looks to me as if I'd