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"We rattled along beside the car tracks for ever so far, and then we turned off onto asphalt, and then turned again, and the lights in the houses got away back from the street,—and some of them away up high, and there were trees all about;—and then the lights stopped, and the trees seemed to come clear together overhead, and it was the very darkest road I ever was on.

"We had been going very slowly, and then we stopped for a moment, and then turned around and started back, and across a wide street, and then we stopped again beside a steep bank that had been newly cut down to the road. There were no trees just there, and there was moonlight enough so that I could see a little. The cabman got down and came around to the door. 'I don't know where we are,' he said; 'but there's some sort of a sign up on the bank there. I'll get up and see what it is.'

"The bank was about ten feet high, and he started to climbing up. I leaned out and saw that there were lights in houses away back from the street, and made up my mind to inquire in some of those places, if the cabman didn't find out anything on top of the bank. When he got