The Point System—
The standard of measurement is the pica. A pica is twelve points (one-sixth of an inch).
This line is set in 12-pt. (pica).
This line is set in 11-pt. (small pica).
This line is set in 10-pt. (long primer).
This line is set in 9-pt. (bourgeois).
This line is set in 8-pt. (brevier).
This line is set in 7-pt. (minion).
This line is set in 6-pt. (nonpareil).
This line is set in 5pt. pearl) .
The sizes larger or smaller than these are seldom used in book composition.
Styles or Type—
Ordinary type is called roman. To "roman-quote" is to put in roman type between quotation marks.
This line is set in roman.Type with a sloping face is called italic or italics. Italic is indicated in manuscripts by a straight line under the word or words. (See p. 123.)
This line is set in italics.97