[The numbers, unless otherwise indicated, refer to sections] "A" and '*an": use of, before h and «,
"A" an "an" : use of, before h and u; spacing of, 268.
"a-" (negative particle), compounds with, 205.
Abbreviations: in literary references, 110, 237 (cf. 37); no space between elements of, 52, 103; not to be divided, 219; of academic titles, 22; of biblical and apocryphal books, list of, 109; of names of states, 106; of titles of publications, omission of period after initials used for, 123; rules for, 106-11; use of apostrophe in, 123; of period after, 123.
"-able" and "-ible," in divisions, 224.
Academic degrees, abbreviation and capitalization of, 21-22.
Accents, retention of, in foreign words incorporated into English, 59. Acquired, limited, or special meaning, words having, capitalization of. 25.
Acts, juridical, capitalization of names of, 18.
A.D. (anno Domini): spacing of, 52, 219; use of small caps for, 52.
Address, capitalization of titles in direct, 21.
Address line: at end of letters, etc., how to set, 50; at opening of letters, etc., how to set, 64; omission of comma after, z6x.
Addresses, titles of: capitalization of principal words in, 41; to be roman-quoted, 82.
Adjectives: capitalization of, in titles of publications, 41; compound, 183; capitalization of, derived from proper nouns, 1; ending in "-ical," how to divide, 229; omission of comma between two, 147: proper, capitalization of, 2 (cf. S, S3).
Administrative bodies, capitalization of names of, 12.
Adverbial clauses, 150.
Adverbs: capitalization of, in titles of publications, 41 : ending in "-ly," not to be hyphenated with adjectives or participles, 183; use of comma in connection with, 145.
æ, rules for use of, 215.
Ages: historical, linguistic, and geological, capitalization of, 14; to be spelled out, 99.
Algebraic formulae: letters used to designate unknown quantities in, 67; spacing of, 273.
Alignment, quotation marks to be "cleared" in, 90.
Alliances, political, capitalization of names of, 16.
Alphabetizing of names, rules for, 240.
a.m. (ante meridiem): 52, 219; use of small caps for, 52.
American system of divisions, 221.
"Ampersand": definition of, 107; when used, 107.
And: "short," 107; when to use comma before, 143.
Anglicized derivatives from Latin and Greek, form of diphthongs a and as in, 115.
"Angström units," abbreviation for 111.
"Ante," compounds with, 208.
"Anti," compounds with, 208.
Antithetical clauses, 149.
Apocrypha: list of abbreviations for, 109; titles of, to be set in roman, 60.
Apostles, omission of "St." in connection with names of, 108.
Apostrophe: rules for use of, 163–65; use of, in abbreviations, 123; to form plural of numerals, 165; to form possessive, 164 (cf. 1x3); to mark omission of figures or letters, 163 (cf. 123).
Appositional clauses, 150.
Arabic numerals, spacing of, at beginning of lines, 271; in headlines, spacing of, 271.
Art, titles of works of, to be roman-quoted, 84.
Article: definite, not to be used in connection with "Rev." and "Hon.," 92; not to be treated as part of title of periodicals, 41; indefinite, form of, before eu, sounded h', "one," etc., and long u, 114.127