Page:Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569).pdf/20

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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

(i) only 2 candidates obtain the highest and the same number of valid votes cast; or
(ii) (A) only one candidate obtains the highest number of valid votes cast but he does not obtain more than half of the total number of valid votes cast; and
(B) only one candidate obtains the next highest number of valid votes cast,


(c) all candidates other than the 2 candidates referred to in paragraph (b)(i) or (ii) shall be eliminated; and
(d) subsection (2) applies in relation to those 2 candidates.

(4) Where—

(a) there are 3 or more candidates in the election; and
(b) after the first round of voting—
(i) 3 or more candidates obtain the highest and the same number of valid votes cast; or
(ii) (A) only one candidate obtains the highest number of valid votes cast but he does not obtain more than half of the total number of valid votes cast; and
(B) 2 or more candidates obtain the next highest and the same number of valid votes cast,


(c) all candidates (if any) other than the candidates referred to in paragraph (b)(i) or (ii) shall be eliminated;
(d) as many rounds of voting as may be necessary shall be conducted for the candidates referred to in paragraph (b)(i) or (ii) until—
(i) one of them is returned under subsection (1); or
(ii) subsection (2) applies in relation to any 2 of them; and
(e) the foregoing provisions of this subsection apply in relation to any such round of voting as they apply in relation to the first round of voting.

28. Declaration and publication of result

As soon as practicable after determining which candidate is returned at an election, the Returning Officer shall—

(a) publicly declare as elected the candidate who is returned at the election; and
(b) publish the result of the election in the Gazette.