Page:Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569).pdf/35

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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

(i) in the definition of “election”, by repealing “, but, except in section 82 and Schedule 2, does not include an Election Committee subsector election”;
(ii) in the definition of “Election Committee”, by repealing “the Election Committee constituted in accordance with Part IV” and substituting “, subject to the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (21 of 2001), the first Election Committee referred to in section 8(3) of that Ordinance”;
(iii) in the definition of “Election Committee subsector”, by repealing “section 1(4) of Schedule 2” and substituting “section 2(4) of the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (21 of 2001)”;
(iv) in the definition of “elector”, by repealing everything after “registered” where it first appears and substituting—
(a) in accordance with this Ordinance, in a final register; or
(b) in accordance with the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (21 of 2001), in a final register of members of the Election Committee that is compiled and published,
and in effect, under that Schedule, and who is not disqualified from being registered or from voting at an election;”;
(v) in the definition of “ex-officio member”, by repealing “section 1(8) of Schedule 2” and substituting “section 2(7)(c) of the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (21 of 2001)”;
(vi) in the definition of “final register”, by repealing paragraph (b);
(b) in subsection (2)—
(i) in paragraph (b)(ii), by repealing “; and” and substituting a full stop;
(ii) by repealing paragraph (c);
(c) in subsection (3), by repealing “, or the results of Election Committee subsector elections,”.

63. Establishment of Election Committee

Section 22(2) is repealed.