Page:Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569).pdf/41

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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

[ss. 2, 8, 16, 26,

43 & 47]

Election Committee


1. Interpretation

(1) In this Schedule— “body” (團體) means an incorporated or unincorporated body, and includes a firm or a group of persons (which may include incorporated or unincorporated bodies) who are associated with each other through a shared relevant interest;

“corporate member” (團體成員), in relation to a body included in a subsector, means a body that is a member of the body so included;

“elector” (選民), in relation to a functional constituency or geographical constituency, has the meaning assigned to it by section 3(1) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542);

“Electoral Registration Officer” (選舉登記主任) means the person holding office as Electoral Registration Officer under section 44, and includes any person appointed to act in place of the Officer when the Officer is absent or when the office is vacant;

“ex-officio member” (當然委員), in relation to the Election Committee, means a member of that Committee referred to in section 2(7)(c);

“functional constituency” (功能界別) means a functional constituency specified in section 20(1) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542);

“geographical constituency” (地方選區) means an area declared to be a geographical constituency in accordance with Part III of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542);

“Member” (議員), in relation to the Legislative Council, has the meaning assigned to it by section 3(1) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542);

“name” (名稱), in relation to a subsector, is to be construed by reference to its description under the column headed “subsector” in Table 1, 2, 3 or 4 in section 2, as may be applicable;

“officer” (高級人員), in relation to a body corporate, includes a director or executive, or any other person concerned in the management, of the body;

“registered” (登記), in relation to a functional constituency or geographical constituency, means registered under the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542) as an elector for the constituency;

“the regulations” (《規例》) means regulations made under section 46 of this Ordinance;

“Returning Officer” (選舉主任), in relation to a subsector, means the Returning Officer appointed for the subsector under section 47, and includes any person appointed to act in place of such an Officer when the Officer is absent or when an office of Returning Officer is vacant;

“Revising Officer” (審裁官) means a Revising Officer appointed under section 46, and includes any person appointed to act in place of the Officer when the Officer is absent or when the office of Revising Officer is vacant;

“subsector” (界別分組) means, subject to section 11, a subsector represented on the Election Committee as provided by section 2(4);

“subsector by-election” (界別分組補選) means an election to elect a member of the Election Committee assigned to a subsector who, under section 2(7)(b), is to be elected by the relevant subsector, otherwise than at a subsector ordinary election;

“subsector election” (界別分組選舉) means a subsector ordinary election or a subsector by-election;

“subsector ordinary election” (界別分組一般選舉) means an election to elect those members of the Election Committee assigned to a subsector who, under section 2(7)(b), are to be elected by the relevant subsector, for a new term of office of the Election Committee;

“sub-subsector” (小組) means a sub-subsector referred to in section 2(9)(a);

“sub-subsector by-election” (小組補選) means an election to elect a member of the Election Committee assigned to a sub-subsector who, under section 2(7)(b) and (9), is to be elected by the sub-subsector, otherwise than at a sub-subsector ordinary election;