Page:Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569).pdf/67

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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

(2) If a person is registered as an ex-officio member of the Election Committee—

(a) by virtue of being a person referred to in section 2(7)(c)(i), and subsequently that person ceases to be a Hong Kong deputy to the National People’s Congress, that person ceases to be an ex-officio member of the Election Committee and the Electoral Registration Officer shall, subject to subsection (3), remove that person’s name from the final register of members of the Election Committee; or
(b) by virtue of being a person referred to in section 2(7)(c)(ii), and subsequently that person ceases to be a Member of the Legislative Council, that person ceases to be an ex-officio member of the Election Committee and the Electoral Registration Officer shall, subject to subsection (3), remove that person’s name from the final register of members of the Election Committee.

(3) The Electoral Registration Officer shall register as ex-officio members of the Election Committee—

(a) persons who become Hong Kong deputies to the National People’s Congress; and
(b) persons who become Members of the Legislative Council,

from time to time (except those persons who are not Hong Kong permanent residents) in accordance with the EAC Regulations.

(4) If the Electoral Registration Officer adds names to or removes names from the final register of members of the Election Committee under this section, that Officer shall, as soon as practicable after the addition or removal, publish, in accordance with the EAC Regulations, a notice to the effect that names have been so added or removed.

42. Electoral Registration Officer may amend register

(1) The Electoral Registration Officer may amend a provisional or final register of members of the Election Committee so as to rectify any clerical or printing error or any incorrect name or address of a person who is recorded in the register.

(2) If a Revising Officer directs the Electoral Registration Officer to incorporate into the final register of members of the Election Committee the Revising Officer’s determination on an appeal under section 39 or 48, the Electoral Registration Officer shall also amend the register to effect the direction.

(3) If the Electoral Registration Officer amends the final register of members of the Election Committee under subsection (2), that Officer shall, as soon as practicable after the amendment, publish, in accordance with the EAC Regulations, a notice of the amendment.

43. When final register is to take effect

(1) During the term of office of the Election Committee, a final register of members of the Election Committee is to—

(a) have effect as amended from time to time in accordance with sections 41 and 42 and the EAC Regulations after its publication; and
(b) cease to have effect on the publication of the next final register of members of the Election Committee.

(2) If names have been removed from or added to the final register of members of the Election Committee under section 41(2) or (3), or the register has been amended under section 42(2), the register as amended is to take effect on the date of the publication of the notice under section 41(4) or 42(3).