Page:China's national defense in the new era.pdf/48

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No. Date Location Participating Bands Activities
1st 20th-29th Aug. 2014 Beijing and Inner Mongolia, China 9 military bands from China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, 660 people in total The opening ceremony and marching performance in China's National Indoor Stadium, a parade and a pageant performance at the Olympic Center, and the closing ceremony of the military tattoo and of the Peace Mission-2014 joint counter-terrorism exercise in Zhurihe Training Base in Inner Mongolia
2nd 29th-30th Jun. 2015 St. Petersburg, Russia 12 military bands from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, over 300 people in total A concert and a parade at the Palace Square of Russia and a pageant performance in the Peter and Paul Fortress
3rd 7th-8th Jun. 2016 Astana, Kazakhstan 7 military bands from Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, nearly 350 people in total A concert in the concert hall of the Military Museum of Kazakhstan, a pageant performance at Bayterek Square, and a parade for the defense ministers on the square in front of the National Opera House
4th 26th-28th Aug. 2017 Shanghai, China 6 military bands from China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia and Tajikistan, 426 people in total The opening ceremony and marching performance in Yuanshen Gymnasium, a pageant performance at the Expo Park of Shanghai, and a second performance in the Yuanshen Gymnasium
5th 21st-25th Apr. 2018 Beijing, China 8 military bands from China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Russia and Belarus, over 400 people in total The opening ceremony and marching performance at the Juyongguan Pass of the Great Wall with the defense ministers in the audience, a parade in the Beijing's Olympic Park and a second performance at the Juyongguan Pass of the Great Wall


ADMM-Plus ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus
AI artificial intelligence
AMS Academy of Military Sciences
ARF ASEAN Regional Forum
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa