Page:China in Revolt (1926).pdf/28

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are attempts on the part of the bourgeoisie to take the leadership of the revolution away from the proletariat. Hence there are two possibilities, two tendencies in the Chinese Revolution. The leading position of the Chinese proletariat in the national revolution is not sufficienly secure. The Chinese proletariat is still in a period in which it must fight the bourgeoisie for the leadership of the national revolution. In order to capture the leadership of the Chinese revolution, the proletariat must:

1. Win the broad peasant masses and the supporto f the urban petty-bourgeoisie, while preventing the rightward swing of the bourgeoisie. Only then will it be possible for the proletariat to organize a united battlefront under its leadership.

2. The proletariat must consolidate and extend the trade union movement, in the course of which it must work for the organization of all industrial workers, handicraftsmen and agricultural laborers. The Communist Party must do everything possible in order to lead these elements directly into the revolutionary struggle. And, finally, the Chinese proletariat must get the support of the entire international proletariat.

The Kuomintang is precisely a united organization of the revolutionary forces of all classes. We must do everything possible in order to develop the Knomintang further, and with its aid carry out consequently the national revolution. If it is maintained that the Communists should withdraw from the Kuomintang, or that they should organize a third party in the place of Kuomintang, then this would mean the splitting of the united battlefront. Through our own initiative, we must develop and consolidate the power of the Left wing in the Kuomintang, while at the same time not forgetting to prevent the further rightward swings of the Kuomintang's right wing.

What is the Status of the Chinese peasantry in this national revolution? The landowning class forms the basis of.the Chinese military system. In order com-