Page:China in Revolt (1926).pdf/66

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The situation is extremely complicated, and may be formulated as follows: Although we are fighting against foreign imperialists with the aid of a national revolutionary united front, an immediate agrarian reform must be carried out and the Chinese revolution placed on a broad peasant basis. It is not difficult to forecast the results of such a combination of forces. I shall not deal with this here. I need only observe that, should the Canton troops continue their victorious advance, and should further progress be made in the alliance of the national revolutionary forces in China, then it is not Utopian to assert that the victorious Chinese revolution will awaken a mighty echo in a great number of neighboring colonial countries—India, Indonesia, the Dutch Indies, where even now actual civil war is going on under exceedingly complicated conditions. All this makes China a magnetic centre of attraction to its colonial environment, and we must by no means fall into the error of under-estimating the immense importance of the movement in China, for it is one of the most important movements in the history of the world, and will strike a mighty blow at all capitalist stabilization.

This, comrades, is practically all I wished to say about the Chinese revolution, I had the intention of discussing a number of other problems, but it is impossible to do so in the time at my disposal.