Page:Chinese spoken language.djvu/12

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The Chinese Language spoken at Fuh Chau.


1 Ch’ung 春 ung 18 Ngüng5 銀 üng 1 Liu2 柳 L
2*[1] Hua 花 ua 19 Kong 釭 ong 2* Pieng 邊 P
3* Hiong 香 iong 20 Chi 之 i 3 Kiu5 求 K
4 Ch’iu 秋 iu 21 Tëng 東 ëng 4 K’e3 氣 K’
5 Sang 山 ang 22 Kau 郊 au 5 Tè 低 T
6 K’ai 開 ai 23* Kuò3 過 uò 6 P’ò 波 P’
7 Ka 嘉 a 24 Sè 西 è 7 T’a 他 T’
8 Ping 賓 ing 25† Küò5 橋 üò 8 Cheng5 曾 Ch
9* Huang 歡 uang 26† Kie 雞 ie 9 Nih8
10 Kò 歌 ò 27* Siang 聲 iang 10 Si5 時 S
11‡[2] Sü 須 ü 28 Ch’oi 催 oi 11 Eng 鶯 ’
12* Pue 杯 ue 29 Ch’ë 初 ë 12 Mung5 蒙 M
13 Ku 孤 u 30* Tieng 天 ieng 13 Ngü2 語 Ng
14 Teng 燈 eng 31* Kia 奇 ia 14 Ch’oh4 出 Ch’
15* Kuong 光 uong 32 Uai 歪 uai 15 Hi 非 H
16* Hui 輝 ui 33† Keu 溝 eu
17†[3] Sieu 燒 ieu

NOTE – The twelfth and sixteenth finals are regarded by some teachers as having the same alphabetic sound, (the initial consonant, of course, is excepted,) but most persons observe the distinction given in the table. The characters arranged under the twenty-fifth final are pronounced by many persons residing within the walls of Fuh Chau, like those under the twenty-third. The vowel of the eighth final is pronounced by some teachers like the sound of i in machine, while others give it the sound of i as in pin. The vowel of the fourteenth final is pronounced by some like e in met, and by others like e in they. The thirty-third final has a peculiarly clear and ringing sound, and at once reminds a person of the croak of a frog.
The thirteenth initial sound is, in one instance, used alone without any final or vowel sound following it. It is used only in the seventh tone, and merely as a negative prefix to other words.
The primary syllables formed by joining each initial with all the finals, will be seen in the following table.

  1. * Accented on the second vowel.
  2. ‡ The eleventh initial denotes merely the absence of initial sound.
  3. † Accented on the vowel before the last.