Page:Chinese without a teacher - being a collection of easy and useful sentences.djvu/75

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Gauze-window 紗壁子 Shah-peedza.
Get up, to 起來 Ch‘ee-li.
Ginger Cheeang.
Girth 肚帶 Too-ti.
Give, to Kay.
Glass, a 玻璃 Pawly.
Gloves 手套兒 Sho-t‘owr.
Go, to Dzo.
Go round, to Chooahn.
Go out, to 出門 Ch‘oo mun.
Goat 山羊 Shahn-yahng.
Godown 棧房 Jahn-fahng.
Gold 金,金子 Cheen or cheen-dza.
Good How.
Goose 鵝,鴈 Aw; (wild) yen.
Grapes 葡萄 Poot‘ow.
Grate, to 砸碎 Dzah sooey.
Green Lü.
Grey shirtings 洋布 Yahng-poo.