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Cookery Receipts.

A very good Pease Soup.

PUT three or four pounds of lean coarse beef, with three pints of pease, into two gallons of water: let it boil till the meat is all to rags; and half an hour before you strain it out, put in two or three anchovies, then strain it from the husks and meat, and put into the sauce pan as much as you want for that meal, with an onion stuck with cloves, a race of ginger bruised, a little faggot of thyme, savory, and parsley, and a little pepper. Let it boil thus near half an hour, stir in a piece of butter, and fry some forc'd meat balls bacon, and French bread cut in dice, with spinage boiled green, to put to it in the dish.

To collar a Breast of Mutton, to eat hot.

Take a large breast of mutton, bone it, and take out all the gristles, rub it all over with the yoke of an egg, season it with pepper, salt, and nutmeg parsley, thyme, sweet marjoram, all shred small shallot, if you love it wain and cut anthovy in bits, strew all this over the meat, roll it up hard, tie it with a tape, and put into boiling water; when 'tis tender take it out, cut it in round slices not too thin, pour over it a sauce made of gravy, spice, anchovy, claret, onion, a few sweet herbs, strained and thickened with butter and shred pickles. Garnish with pickles.
