Page:Choirmaster's Manual.djvu/23

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advantage of "la" over "ah" as usually taught for attack is, that the consonant sends the tone forward with the tongue; the disadvantage is, that the consonant often deceives. The best method is to practise first on "la," then on the vowel-sound alone.

Exercise 5.

\relative f' { \key f \major \time 3/2 f2 f f | g g g | a a a | bes bes bes | c c c }
\addlyrics { La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la }
\addlyrics { Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah }

and upward.

Excerise 6.

\relative f' { \key f \major \time 4/4 f4 r f r f2 r |
g4 r g r g2 r | a4 r a r | a2 r }
\addlyrics { La la la la la la la la la }
\addlyrics { Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah }

and upward.

Exercise 7.

\relative f' { \key f \major \time 3/2 f2 f f | g g g | a a a | bes bes bes }
\addlyrics { La le li la le li la le li la le li }
\addlyrics { Ah e i ah e i ah e i ah e i }

[1] and upwards.

Exercise 8.

\relative f' { \key f \major \time 4/4 f4 r f r f2 r |
g4 r g r g2 r | a4 r a r | a2 r }
\addlyrics { La le li la le li la le li }
\addlyrics { Ah e i ah e i ah e i }

and upward.

(Keep tongue as flat as possible, and mouth open for "le" just as wide as for "la." Most boys want to close it. The higher up the scale, the more open the mouth.

  1. Pronounce lah, ley, lee, and ah, ay, ee.