Page:Christ's napkin.pdf/23

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A fourth queſtion or objection, They have not heaven and glory, at leaſt in this life, and therefore, they are not inheritors of all things? I anſwer. The promiſe is not fulfilled in this life: yet, when a man has ſhorn a ſtouk or two of corn, we ſay he has gotten harveſt and new corn. So the believer gets joy, hope, faith, aſſurance of heaven, and the firſt fruits of the ſpirit, are new corn. So, in the beginning, he gets all things. 2. Having God and Chriſt, they have all things, for ye ſee the great ſhip traileth the cock-boat after her; ſo the great Chriſt bringeth all things after him at his back; ſo I ay, having Chriſt they have all things: they have the Father and the Spirit, the world, life and death. Amen.

The triumphal feaſt for Chriſt's victory over ſin,
and death, and hell.

COME, let us lift our voices high,
High as our joys ariſe,
And join the ſongs above the ſky,
Where pleaſure never dies.

Jeſus, the God, that fought and bled,
And conquer'd when he fell;
That roſe, and at his chariot-wheels
Dragg'd all the pow'rs of hell.

Jeſus, the God invites us here,
To this triumphal feaſt,
And brings immortal bleſſings down
For each redeemed gueſt.

The Lord! how glorious is his face!
How kind his ſmiles appear!
And, oh ǃ what melting words he ſays

To ev'ry humble ear!