Page:Christian's great interest.pdf/8

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[ 8 ]

Q What is the consequence of such closing with God in Christ by heart and mouth?

A. Union and communion with God's all good here, and his blessed fellowship in heaven for ever afterwards.

Q. What if I slight all these things and do not lay them to heart to put them in practice?

A. The Lord cometh with his angels in flaming fire, to render vengeance to them who obey not this gospel; and the judgment shall be greater than the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrha; and so much the greater that thou has read this treatise, for it shall be a witness against thee in that day.

But yet, O sinner! now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation, mercy and grace is yet held out to you in the publication of this gospel, fly then to the Saviour, who will rejoice over you with love. May the Lord give his blessing to this small treatise, that it may prove spirit and life to many souls.