LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. The author begs to express his sincerest gratitude for being permitted to publish the list of subscribers, which includes the names of many reverend and illustrious men. The object of the publication was expressed in the circular, namely, to iden- tify and draw nearer together the Philhellenes of America. It may serve useful ends to have this list as complete as possible, and therefore all Philhellenes are asked to send iii their names for publication in a later edition of the book. No, of copies. 3 Miss Fanny S. Adam, 13 E. 40th St., New York. 1 Rev. M. W. Adams, Dean Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. 2 Mr. A. M. Agelasto, Norfolk, Va. 5 Hon. Eben Alexander, former United States Minister to Greece, Professor of Greek, North Carolina University, Chapel Hill, N. C. I Mr. E. Alexander, 41 Fulton St., Boston, Mass. I Dr. Rudolf Allert, 502 E. 58th St., New York. I Mr. B. G. Amend, 205 Third Ave., New York. 1 Mr. C. A. L. Amend, 205 Third Ave., New York. 2 Mr. Robert F. Amend, 205 Third Ave., New York. I Louis F. Anderson, Professor of Greek, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. I S. J. Ansley, Professor of Greek and Latin, Howard Col- lege, East Lake, Ala. I Rev. Archimandrit Chrysanthos Antoniadis, Ph.D., Athens, Greece. I Mr. B. Antoniou, Athens, Greece. I John Argyriadis, Professor of Philology, Theological Sem- inary, Athens, Greece. I Mrs, F. Bagoe, 423 Fourth Ave., New York.