Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/153

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held in the Jewish Welfare Board's quarters, the field representative of the latter organization, when a more pretentious home was erected, had special provision made for the Christian Science soldiers to hold their services there. One end of the auditorium was arranged to be partitioned off with folding doors. The first Wednesday evening meeting following the raising of the camp quarantine, however, was held in the cozy reception room of this building, before the fireplace, a Jewish secretary at the desk waving all other callers to a side door opening into the auditorium, in order that the service might not be disturbed. A week or so later the other room was used and it was thronged with men eager to give and hear testimonials. The room was partly filled with wicker furniture, still swaddled in wrapping paper, but the men perched around wherever they could find resting places.

A word must also be said of the services conducted in stockade or prison camps and in hospitals. Of the latter our Worker at Camp Fremont sends an interesting description:

“Seven men from Fremont, including the organist and soloist, went with us and acted as ushers, giving each man who came in a Quarterly and a little Song Book. While we had provided what we considered a generous number of Quarterlies and Song Books, we, in fact, had only about half enough to go around.

“The Chapel was practically filled, there being only about fifteen vacant seats. Several men came in wheel chairs, some on crutches, some with their arms held up by braces, and all clothed in the hospital garb of pajamas and bathrobes. Aside from one nurse, one enlisted man who is a clerk at the hospital, the six civilians who made up our party, and the seven boys who went from Camp Fremont to usher, every