Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/19

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The fine spirit of cooperation shown by Christian Scientists everywhere in the carrying on of the various war time activities of our denomination, and their unbounded interest in and enthusiasm for the work in all its phases, has produced far-reaching results. These being yet, in point of time, so close to the events themselves, however, it is difficult for one to form a just and impartial estimate of their importance. It has not been possible heretofore to present in a complete and orderly sequence the steps which, during the nearly five years that have marked the world's great unrest, were taken by the Christian Science Church to aid, both in spiritual and material ways, those whose lives were affected in varying degrees by the fortunes of war. The time has now come, however, when it is not alone possible but most desirable to submit to the Christian Science field a full report of the war work undertaken by the movement.

In preparing this report the aim has been to produce an accurate historical record of achievements, which will at all times be well balanced and which will not, for obvious reasons, unduly enlarge upon any single phase of the work. Covering the years 1914-1919, years of unwonted activity, there has naturally been a great wealth of material from which to select, all of it valuable and important. Thus the chief task has been the elimination of a great quantity of subject-matter equal in all respects to that included. The plan