Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/278

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more towards removing international prejudices than you can ever dream of.” On many occasions men from America, Canada, Scotland, England, Australia and South Africa were seen conversing together, in practical demonstration of the drawing together of all the great English-speaking peoples in one great unity of purpose.


In July, 1918, a War Relief Committee for Great Britain and Ireland was appointed by the Christian Science Board of Directors to supervise all the existing War Relief activities in the United Kingdom and to extend the work to localities where a need was manifest. For this purpose a branch of The Mother Church War Relief and Camp Welfare Fund was opened and administered in this country by the newly appointed Committee. Prior to this date the expenses in connection with the ten Rooms opened for the use of the men in the service had been met entirely by the Christian Scientists locally. After the announcement of the scheme for the whole country the Committees which had already initiated and carried on the work gave their loyal support to the general plan and in a short time the work was adjusted and was progressing most satisfactorily. The decision to include the Reading and Writing Rooms for soldiers and sailors already existing in Great Britain, as part of The Mother Church scheme was fraught with great blessing, for the work leapt forward in a most wonderful way. War Relief Committees were quickly formed up and down the country, and within eight months,