Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/285

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their appreciation of this new provision for their spiritual as well as their physical welfare. Many proofs were soon forthcoming of the practical value of the work in healing sickness. On one occasion a non-commissioned officer received an instantaneous healing of influenza and was able to go on the range in charge of a firing party with no bad results. Other cases of influenza, violent toothache, hemorrhage, colds, etc., were healed by treatment or through the spoken word. The Worker writes:

“From the first day, we placed the work of the War Relief Room in the care and under the guidance of divine Love, and ever since it has been a guiding star to a large number of men and women, who have either directly or indirectly, through the war, been taken away from home influences. Many of those who have taken advantage of this latest gift to humanity knew little if anything about Christian Science or its Founder, Mrs. Eddy, and without exception, all have been grateful to hear about a religion which offered such a practical proof of its right to their earnest consideration. One of the chief American Y. M. C. A. workers here stated a few days ago that he had seen and heard enough about the Christian Science War Relief Rooms in Union Street to prove that they were indeed a blessing. With the cessation of hostilities the work has undergone a certain change but continues its healing activity just the same, for to use the words of a clergyman who called in to inquire about our work, ‘The moral effect of such a Christlike effort is bound to be great.’ ”


In October the War Relief Committee for the county of Sussex reported the urgent need of a room in Brighton for the use of men from the large camps