Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/296

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have found that there is after all a “balm in Gilead” which can be applied to every problem.


In January, 1919, a War Relief Room was opened in Seaford in Sussex to extend the work already begun by the local Scientists on behalf of the Canadians stationed in the adjoining camps. These camps contained about 30,000 men and much excellent literature distribution had been carried on for some time. In this way the existence of the Rooms was brought immediately to the attention of the men, with the result that many times there were not enough chairs for all the men who flocked in. Within a few minutes of the actual opening of the Rooms a case was brought to the Worker for treatment. Since then much good healing has taken place. One man who had studied Christian Science long enough to be convinced of its truth, asked for help for a cold he had had two months, and was instantaneously healed. He then asked for treatment for his knee, which had been strained four months previously, and this trouble also yielded quickly. A shell-shock patient bordering on melancholia, and manifesting unhealthy conditions, came to the Rooms for healing, after reading Science and Health, lent him by a Christian Scientist in the same hut. He was in Seaford for five days and took away a copy of the textbook, intending to study it faithfully during his leave. He has since written to tell of his healing and says he feels perfectly well and is happy and contented. The Room has been a home to many Canadians who have greatly appreciated the loving sympathy shown them at all times.