Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/346

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“If one of the boys who is a Scientist, had not told me of the work you are doing, I would not be able to extend to you my thanks; and if you are doing for others as for me, quietly and efficiently, I feel I owe you a tribute beyond the expression of thanks.

“I hope at some future day to procure a Science and Health. If this is your religion I want to know more about it.”

“Just a word of appreciation for the soft, wonderful, woolen knitted goods, I received some time ago. A soldier with such an equipment as you sent me is surely a happy man.

“The socks are not of the cumbersome, thick style; the sweater vest so neat and comfortable in comparison with others seen; the skullcap so comfortable at night; and wristlets and stormhood of the softest, nicest work I have ever seen.

“It is truly a pleasure to wear such equipment. It is just in line with everything else good that comes through Christian Science.”

That the work of the Comforts Forwarding Committee was doing much toward meeting the needs of the boys in this country; that it was touching their hearts and winning their appreciation; nay, more, that it was bringing to them big evidences of a divine, efficacious Love, was apparent. The silent influx of love expressed told more than words could say.

The individual responses to silent influence would have been a sufficiently gratifying recompense to the workers, but justice demanded in addition a more official recognition.

The following letter from one of the Christian Science War Relief Workers stationed near a camp tells an important story—a story typical of what took place in many government posts.

“As an expression of our gratitude for the help received