Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/349

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our friends in the medical profession began to see a great light. To the wonderful results in this direction, accomplished by the War Relief and Camp Welfare Committees, the labors of the women made no small addition. It was a medical officer who asked for a sweater vest to send to his son in another camp, and in return asked if he could not in some way help the Welfare Worker. Not long after, this same doctor requested that The Christian Science Monitor be placed on his desk daily. It was another member of the medical profession in the same camp who said, “You people do make the loveliest things,” and a third, to whom a sweater vest had been given, who, as he was leaving the post to return to his duties as Health Commissioner in one of our large cities, said he would always have a kind feeling for Christian Science and Christian Scientists, and that as Health Officer he knew he could always understand them better. From another physician came the happy statement that he never heard any criticism of Christian Science any more in the staff meetings; that, in fact, many kind remarks were made, and he was right then studying Mrs. Eddy's works.

It may be of interest to the field to know that the most advanced facilities were available for the Comforts Forwarding work. Not only did electric irons, electric sewing machines and knitting machines help to quicken the work, but when a detachment of men ordered overseas were found to be in need of “comforts” fifteen complete outfits were hurried to them by aeroplane. Nor was it a mere coincidence that the pilot of the plane was a devout Christian Scientist.

As long as the boys were “over here,” however much one deprecated the training camp experiences, there