Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/394

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A little boy adds his savings:

“Enclosed find check for $15 with love and gratitude for all the unfoldment of Truth which this beautiful work is doing. I am only a little boy of ten years but I know what Christian Science means at this time to our brave boys. This is just a little of my savings.”

The Busy Bee Fund bears compound interest:

“I am enclosing the check I mentioned (from the Busy Bee Fund) to pay for the Bible and if you can use the small remainder I shall be very happy.”

Some unorganized Scientists send their share:

“We had a beautiful service in my home in the mountains of Virginia, Sunday, October 20. Nine were present. Enclosed find check for $20 which this household sends as a ‘Thank Offering’ for the many blessings received through the understanding of Christian Science.”

Some soldiers in Eagle Pass, Texas, forward their collection:

“Enclosed find one Postal Money Order for $5, this being the amount collected at our Sunday services to be used for the Camp Welfare Fund. It is only a small token of our gratitude for many benefits received but it is joyfully given.”

A soldier's gratitude for healing:

“I am indeed grateful for the healing received and enclose a small check to be used so that Science and Health may be placed in the hands of other boys.”

A Students' Association gives the Fund its loyal support:

“Enclosed please find check for one hundred dollars made out to the Treasurer of The Mother Church which amount is a contribution to the Camp Welfare Fund by the Students' Association of Mrs. S.”