Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/404

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will ever remain a fond recollection never to be blotted out. The free distribution of literature, especially The Christian Science Monitor, that wonderful paper disseminating the constructive news of the world, is a source of much gratitude.

“Christian Science is surely my greatest possession.

“August Brauns,

“Portland, Oregon.” 

“On the evening of May 3, 1918, while cranking a car, the engine kicked and broke my right arm at the wrist. The shock was so severe that I lost consciousness for a few moments and was taken into the Christian Science Camp Welfare building, where I was given immediate attention by the Worker.

“After I had recovered from the first shock I was taken to the infirmary and had the bone set. Later, permission was given me to remain at the Welfare building all night. Much work was done for me that night and in the morning the sergeant who dressed the arm told me that I was making such excellent progress that the splints could be taken off in a couple of days. The surgeon said the arm was doing splendidly but the splints must remain for seven weeks, as that was the customary time.

“On the fourth night the splints came off during my sleep and in the morning I arose and dressed myself, using the arm that had been broken without being conscious of it. I slipped my arm back into the splints and reported for examination but did not tell the surgeon that the splints had come off and that I was able to use my arm. He commented upon the excellent progress I was making but insisted that the splints be worn for several weeks more.

“I was confident that my arm was healed and used to amuse the men at the Welfare Room by waving my arm, splints and all, in the air when they would ask how I was progressing. It was apparent to everyone that my arm was well and I know that I could have used it in the regular way had the surgeon permitted me to remove the splints.