Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/442

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help of various kinds. This willing and helpful spirit has served to unite hearts and hands in the maintenance and upbuilding of our beloved cause. As one church writes: ‘The oneness of purpose in this work has developed a unity and friendliness between our neighbors and ourselves, which is one of the blessings not to be overlooked. The War Relief work has been a great blessing not only for the present but for the future. We are grateful for the channels provided by The Mother Church, through which our branch church has been able to express its love and gratitude and to demonstrate a better understanding of substance; which better understanding has been the impetus to raise our church debt during the next two years, instead of seven years, as the plan was before the War Relief work began.’ Those churches and societies which have manifested the deepest interest in this War Relief work have noted an increased attendance at their Sunday services; a more spontaneous response to the invitation extended Wednesday evenings to give testimonies of healing through Christian Science; a larger attendance at lectures; a quickened activity in the Reading Rooms and in the distribution of the literature, as well as a more generous support, financially and otherwise, of all church activities.”

Another State Chairman writes:

“The effect of the War Relief and Camp Welfare work upon the Christian Science movement in our state is the development of a consciousness of greater unity among Christian Scientists and a sense of power of action, the consciousness that we can, if called upon, do a great work well, each doing his part.”

Still another writes:

“There has been a distinct broadening and quickening of spiritual thought here. This has come from the enlarged view of the true idea of brotherhood that was gained through acceptance of this opportunity for loving service to the