Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/51

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in which you came forward to our assistance in our trouble. We shall never forget the sympathy and kindness we have experienced in this hospitable country and shall always remember with gratitude those to whom we are so much indebted for bringing an end to our long separation.

“This loan shall be amongst the first that will have my attention as soon as I am in a position to repay same.”

Another whose burden was lightened writes:

“Thank you so much for the help received, by means of which we were able to redeem our belongings from the pawnbroker and to buy some warm clothes for my husband. We have passed through great poverty as my husband was without work for a long time and we were forced to sell much of our furniture. To our delight he has just found work, too. Will you please thank the Christian Scientists for the help God inspired them to give us?”

From a society for the relief of interned soldiers came the following:

“In the name of ‘L'Œuvre de I'lnterné’ we thank you heartily for the splendid gift of 500 florins which you sent to our Commander, General J., from the War Relief Fund of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.”

These are only a few of the cases which might be cited to show that The Mother Church Fund was the means of bringing relief, comfort and solace to those on whom war had cast its shadow in Holland.


In German-speaking Switzerland the headquarters of the War Relief Fund were at Zurich, in French-speaking Switzerland at Geneva. Like Holland, the